
Join ISN and the Kino Border Initiative from December 16-24 in a daily virtual experience of music, prayer, reflection, and action as they journey with Holy Families on the Journey of Hope.
The Catholic Sisters Haiti Collaborative for Community Empowerment received a $1.99 million grant from The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to support economic and human development services to women, children, and families in rural and marginalized areas of Haiti. The School Sisters of Notre Dame Atlantic-Midwest Province will receive $301,814 from the grant to expand their ongoing partnership with Beyond Borders in Haiti.
The Generalate Community prays daily during Advent for a particular province, group, or global concern. Each member of the Generalate Community composes a prayer for an intention and prays it on the specified day during the Eucharistic celebration.
“Pups4Patriots™ is important to me because it focuses on an issue that isn't as addressed or recognized by the general public,” said Angels for Veterans leader Reilly Guy. “It is an organization that finds and trains dogs to become service dogs to aid veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain injury."
On this Day in 1985, Pope John Paul II declared our foundress Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger Blessed! Learn more about her incredible life in an interactive storybook.
The Sisters at Stella Maris had a joyous time preparing a Thanksgiving basket to be donated to Assisi House in Fells Point.
On November 11, NDP faculty, staff, students, families, friends, and representatives of the Middle States Association (MSA) on Elementary and Secondary Education Commissions attended NDP’s Sustaining Excellence Colloquium, which represents the mid-point in the school’s seven-year MSA reaccreditation process.
On each day of COP27, you are invited to pray in solidarity with the whole Earth community and, in a special way, with the Catholic Sisters, Brothers, priests, and other faith leaders who will be advocating for environmental justice in the UN proceedings on the Sinai Peninsula.
On Halloween, residents of The Watermark enjoyed a well-attended Halloween party and Sing-Along, accompanied by piano and saxophone. The Sisters at Stella Maris also had a Halloween celebration. They dressed in costumes, played games, and enjoyed Halloween candy, pumpkin cookies, and a pumpkin cake.
In August of 2021, the School Sisters of Notre Dame living at Villa Notre Dame in Wilton engaged in a significant transition by moving into a senior living facility, The Watermark, in Bridgeport CT. Residents expressing an interest in getting to know more about us as a congregation. This Foundation Day, the Sisters invited residents and staff to a presentation on the Story of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

All good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above, so we lift our hearts up to you, God, in praise and thanksgiving.

As we count our blessings, and acknowledge your goodness, our hearts go out to those who do not have, and who are in need.

This book tells a story of miracles—one after another. In 1970, four young SSNDs in the Wilton Province, influenced by a priest-friend from Liberia, boarded a ship to Liberia and began a movement among North American SSNDs to become missionaries to Africa.
School Sisters of Notre Dame in Canada joined the St. Michael’s Parish community for the celebration of the 11am Liturgy on September 25. This very socially aware parish made another five-year commitment to support Children’s Outreach Program in Nyalieng’a Parish in the Homa Bay Diocese of Kenya. The School Sisters of Notre Dame began the Children’s Outreach Program in Nyalieng’a Parish in the Homa Bay Diocese of Kenya in September 2009.
Sr Sally Neale
Sister Sally was an amazing woman who spent all of her life helping others. She was committed to service with skill and zeal, as she strove to be present in the hills of Kentucky.  Her strength and wisdom were an inspiration to many, especially at Sarah’s Place, where she made a such huge difference in so many lives.  Kind and loving, she truly made the world a better place.
The SSND corporate members support the decision from NDMU to become fully co-educational. By expanding its mission, the University is creating new opportunities to educate women and men together to bring their gifts to a world in need.
From the Library of Congress: Interconnecting Worlds: Weaving Community Narratives, Andean Histories & the Library’s Collections. In this guide, with resources in English, Spanish and Quechua, we seek to facilitate research about Andean peoples, cultures, and knowledge through the themes of language, storytelling and literature, visual arts, and music.
With joy and enthusiasm, we announce the appointment of Colleen Kammer as the Atlantic-Midwest Province Director of the Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation. Colleen comes to us with a passion for social justice and considerable experience working with religious communities in the pursuit of justice for God’s underserved people.
In 2021, Miriam Therese was part of the early groups to go to Ozanam Hall in Queens for full-time care. In community she was quiet and kind, gently humorous. A great reader and avid fan of Mary Higgins Clark, Miriam Therese once, through a student whose family knew the famous author, got to speak with her on the phone, a highlight for a loyal fan.
Sister Maureen Ulatowski shared with us some of the charity efforts in which she and other SSNDs have been participating lately at their new home at The Watermark in Bridgeport, CT.
Caroline Center's Marketing & Communications Manager, Jessica Robey, recently had the opportunity to share on Baltimore's FOX 45 about Caroline Center and how people can support the women in the program!