Sister Chabanel, a member of Notre Dame community, Waterdown, Ontario passed away peacefully on August 8, 2022 at the age of 96 and in the 72th year of her religious profession. She grew up on the family farm near Salt Lake, Saskatchewan. She recalls driving to school over the prairie roads, especially through the crisp, frosty air of winter, in an open sleigh.
On the last Saturday of every month, a group of Sisters from various religious communities in Chicago gather at the site of a recent homicide to pray for peace and healing. The Homicide Prayer Vigils began in 2018.
In the spirit of our SSND Laudato Si' Action Platform commitment, please join us in asking the U.S. House of Representatives and President Biden to take action to help address the climate crisis by supporting passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
After 30 years as an elementary school teacher, Sister Zita continued using her teaching skills with catechetical classes for children attending public school in Kitchener, Ontario and as parish coordinator of weekly religion classes in Cloverdale, British Columbia. In Wilkie and Unity, Saskatchewan, she lead Bible study groups and visited the elderly and those in nursing homes.
It has been eight years since the war in Yemen began. The current truce provides an opportunity for the warring parties to find a negotiated resolution to the conflict. As SSNDs are committed to a more just and peaceful world and take a clear stand against war and all forms of violence. Please join us in urging Congress to take action.
“Sometimes there are no adequate verbal answers to the hard life and death questions patients and families ask," said Sister Rita about her work as a hospital chaplain. "The most a chaplain can do is express the healing presence of a compassionate God who hears our cry and is present in a warm embrace, silence, and tears.”
The annual “Golfing for Good” tournament for the benefit of Notre Dame Learning Center took place at the Webster Golf Course in Rochester, NY on July 30. The weather was perfect!
On July 30, 1847, the first six School Sisters of Notre Dame stepped off a ship called The Washington and entered a new mission field. Blessed Theresa quickly learned that things in America were not what she had been led to expect.
At the end of June 2022, Ministry Services offered a new retreat, "Proclaiming The Fire Within," at the Cranaleith Spiritual Center in Philadelphia. This retreat builds on the foundational retreat "Claiming The Fire Within," which is offered every other year.
This summer, Sisters Academy of Baltimore students are participating in a range of on- and off-campus activities, from STEM to art, team building, physical education, language arts, and mathematics.
On the morning of July 12, the Sisters at Notre Dame Convent in Waterdown, Ontario Canada gathered in the chapel for a brief prayer in honor of our Blessed Mother Mary. The Sisters prayed the Memorare and sang the Salve Regina even as they heard the sounds of the crane arriving...
On July 5 thirty-five religious organizations from six countries, with more than $1.25 billion in combined assets under management, have announced their divestment from fossil fuel companies. Among them are 19 Catholics including five dioceses in Ireland and two in Canada.
A new initiative by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) to bring researchers, policymakers and faith leaders together to understand the scientific and societal challenges of climate change and develop solutions for enabling resilient people and resilient ecosystems.
Father Simmons is retiring after 61 years as a priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, he credits the School Sisters of Notre Dame at St. Brigid School for nudging him toward the priesthood.
Urged by the love of Christ and of our sisters and brothers, the School Sisters of Notre Dame work actively toward enhancing just structures that foster the fullness of life and toward changing unjust structures that inhibit it.
Sunday, May 15, 2022 marked the end of a type of trilogy: Three Sisters celebrated 100 years of birth in May in Ozanam Hall in Queens, NY. In May 2000, Sister Rosalita McNamee celebrated her 100th birthday. In May 2001 Sister Aveline Smith achieved 100 years. This year, Sister Marguerite Bunter enjoyed passing the 100th year mark of her birth.
There was a retirement celebration for Sister Sharon Shear at Notre Dame of Maryland University on May 11. Sister Kathleen Feeley shared her reflection on the contributions Sister Sharon made during her 34 years at "the College."
Last weekend (May 13-15), the United States experienced multiple mass shootings in three different areas of our country. There are times when words fail to convey the impact that grotesque acts of violence have on our souls and our society. The racially motivated massacre in Buffalo, New York is one of them.
There was prayer, lunch and gift-giving as Sisters gathered at The Watermark community in Bridgeport, CT i May 2 to express gratitude and say farewell to Arlene Flaherty, OP, who has been the AM Province’s JPIC Director for the last 9 1/2 years.
Each year on May 9, the anniversary of her death, we remember and look to Blessed Theresa as a guide for our own lives and times, and pray that the charism entrusted to her might continue to find life and expression in all those touched by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
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