SSND General Superior Says Order’s Ministry Remains Strong - Sister Roxanne Schares was interviewed by The Catholic Review on March 30, just as she was beginning her visitation to the province.
Sister Joan is a middle school teacher, and she used the NCAA Tournament as an entry point for a lesson. “I like to get the kids looking at universities,” she said. “So we randomly pick a team for everyone in the class to follow throughout the tournament. I got Rutgers, of course. That wasn’t random.” (Sister Joan's brother Steve coaches Rutgers Basketball.)
Sister Margaret Bauer celebrated turning 103 years young on March 15. She is currently the oldest Sister in the province. Birthday greetings came from all over, including one from General Superior Sister Roxanne Schares in Rome. The Generalate community also sent her a greeting.
The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) Central Pacific Province and Atlantic-Midwest Province condemn the military action in Ukraine and the suffering it is causing.
At this time, we remember particularly the people of Ukraine and Eastern Europe and invite all of us to join with our Shalom Centers of Prayer for Peace, praying daily our common Prayer for Peace.
"Since the 1970s, Sisters have been influenced by bishops' statements, scientific publications and theological works about the environment. Today, Sisters worldwide prioritize care for creation as integral to their work." S. Susan Smith, Our Lady of the Missions
The North American Archives has taken in the stock of books from Elm Grove and Villa Notre Dame. These books are available, free of charge, to any Sister, Associate or SSND staff person who would like a copy.
The Central Pacific Province Podcast has officially launched a new season of the "Called to Action" Podcast! Explore the new theme of Gospel Nonviolence and Just Peace with Sisters, colleagues and Associates. Listen to the first episode of Season 2 on Jan 5 and catch up on Season 1 now.
The Sisters at Notre Dame Convent gathered together around the cozy fireplace in the beautifully decorated front entrance of the convent for a holiday celebration just after Christmas.
On December 11, Sisters at The Watermark in Bridgeport, CT continued what had been a beloved tradition at Villa Notre Dame in Wilton - a holiday performance by the Bell Choir.
Take time during this month to be aware of the sights and sounds and smells and tastes of this splendid universal communion. Ecological conversion begins with such awareness, and ongoing awareness takes us deeper into the mystery of the Incarnation. Emmanuel, God with us.
The SSND Central Pacific (CP) Province has created a podcast, Called to Action, where they feature sisters, staff, SSND ministry leaders and prominent women in their local community who are leading efforts to change the world.
After a discernment process inviting potential leaders to consider whether they were feeling called to serve, reflecting on all of the invitations and recommendations, as well as other input from the Sisters of the province, the General Council entered into a time of their own dialogue and discernment from November 2-6, 2021, which led to the appointment of the new council for a four-year term
Sister Rosanne Mensik fondly remembers a family tradition from the 1950s in Connecticut.
The new Council was installed on December 8, 2021. “We are grateful to our Sisters of the Atlantic-Midwest for their commitment and openness throughout the discernment process and assure the new Provincial Council of our prayerful support,” said General Superior Sister Roxanne Schares.
Living at the Generalate in Rome is an opportunity to experience SSND life in a multi-cultural environment. In any given year, I formed community with Sisters from provinces across the congregation. Daily life had a flavor and character that I thoroughly enjoyed.
The Sisters at The Watermark in Bridgeport, Connecticut recently celebrated Sister Marie Anna Moltz's 100th birthday! We wish Sister Marie Anna good health and much happiness on this wonderful accomplishment!
We are grateful for Sister Rose's generous willingness to serve our Sisters. We are also most grateful to Sister Paula for her hard work these past six months with Sister Cora Lee in getting our Sisters acclimated to their new surroundings and working through all the "beginnings" that such a new endeavor entails.
Sister Margarida Da Silva is currently the Generalate House Coordinator for the congregation. She is fairly new to the position, having arrived in Rome, Italy from Toronto, Canada on September 1, 2020. Getting to that point took persistence and a miracle.
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