
care for our common home
Becoming a Laudato Si’ Congregation invites us all to embark on a seven-year journey toward Integral Ecology, a holistic perspective and strategy to promote both a flourishing earth and a flourishing human community.
On May 15, 2021, archival documents from the Institute of Notre Dame (IND) arrived safe and sound at their new home at the School Sisters of Notre Dame's North American Archives (NAA) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
We the 2020 – 2021 Jubilarians, express our overflowing GRATITUDE! Welling up in our hearts for God’s faithfulness!
The Jubilarians of 2020, who were unable to have their traditional provincial Jubilee ceremony at Villa Notre Dame in Wilton last May, gathered on Zoom last weekend with the Jubilarians of 2021 to celebrate their milestone years as School Sisters of Notre Dame. The theme was “Deep Gratitude for God’s Faithfulness.”
May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada, and Asian American and Pacific American Heritage Month in the United States. This month take time to reflect upon and celebrate SSNDs in Japan and Guam and how much they have enriched our congregation!
August 26 was the Feast Day for Our Lady of Good Counsel. Our Lady of Good Counsel is one of the many titles given to Mary. Titles like Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima were given as the result of a Marian apparition. Our Lady of Good Counsel was a title given after a Marian miracle that took place in Italy during the 15th century.
The School Sisters of Notre Dame find that the guilty verdict is an important step in uprooting racism from our hearts and to bringing a sense of justice to people around the nation.
The use of new scientific techniques made it possible for COVID vaccines to be developed, tested, and produced at a record pace. As with any new scientific discovery, the ethical questions about the research must examine whether it will promote our values or our vices.
Pop Francis
The entire global Catholic family, from Pope Francis to children learning about Laudato Si’ for the first time, is committed to caring for creation.

This weeks poem is by Mary Enda Hughes, SSND

Even from here, in weakness,
I must be skilled,
Must say without words 
“I am the one you knew.”
And you must summon wordlessly,
the same, hold back your eyes
that ask, “Do you know me?”

The road to COP15
The Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development, the Parliament of World Religions invite you to join this conversation on biodiversity with Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson, Dr. Jane Goodall, and other community leaders.
As part of the continuing celebration of the Caroline Center's 25th Anniversary, they have announced their first SHERO awards Sister Patricia McLaughlin & Sister Kathleen Feeley!

This weeks poem is by Sr Delia Calis, SSND

Mother Theresa Woman of Faith

Silent midnight hours
    root faith deep
        In her loving heart.

The Letters of Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger are now available on the Gerhardinger website!

This week's poem is by Sister Maura Eichner, SSND

We Walk in Miracles 

Join with sisters, associates and friends for an inspiring SSND Earth Day reflection, Journey to the Heart: Falling in Love with Earth
Earth Hour is March 27th at 8:30pm!  Here is a list of 5 things you can do at home to participate in Earth Hour!
let your voice be heard
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on two important immigration-related bills that would provide legal status to essential workers and Dreamers, among others.
Join an inspirational and insightful conversation about the pressing needs of our planet, how sisters are making a difference – and you can too. 
Sr Grace D'Amico
Sister Grace's love for SSND and the Wilton Province came through strongly in all she contributed to through the years:... all were carried out with her unique wit, good humor, and obvious enjoyment.