
The distance between New Jersey and Puerto Rico closed a bit this summer, as students and staff from the Academy of the Holy Angels contributed to the island’s hurricane recovery effort.
Our teachers were nuns from the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Each nun wore a formidable habit of white and black. Each nun insisted on discipline and quiet – or else!
My journey with the School Sisters of Notre Dame began in 2001 when my husband, Mike, and I met Sister Mary Oliver Hudon and Sister Carleen Cekal. They had just joined our parish, St. Ann Catholic Church, in West Palm Beach.
An amazing chain of events began when Roz Spruill “wanted to be enlightened.” Her enlightenment spread from Baltimore to McAllen, Texas, to the Comunidad Enlaces de Esperanza in Arizona, and eventually to children on the Texas and Arizona borders!
Each summer since 2011, volunteers from the Academy of the Holy Angels have been winging their way to Philadelphia to help organize Saint Peter the Apostle School for the new academic year.
Recently, people of Haiti have been protesting to demand that President Jovenel Moise must resign amid allegations that he embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars of government funds designated for severely needed community programs.
"I believe in this life, and I believe it is critical to the furthering of the Gospel, but I can also see how, just in my lifetime, the face of it has changed dramatically. The expression of the life is taking on a whole new form." Read Global Sisters Report article on Sr. Carol Zinn Exec. Dir of LCWR
Join SSND and AWE at Lights of Liberty; A vigil to end Human Detention Camps - July 12. Let's raise our voices to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees.
Take a look at the new reflection added from Caelie about the recent Heritage Pilgrimage, the fourth component to the AMSSND Ministry Formation Program. Journeying to significant SSND sites in Bavaria, Vienna and Rome, pilgrims experience first-hand the foundation, internationality and ministries of SSND.
As the Communications Director for the province, learning SSND history has been a very big part of my job, but reading and writing about where historical events happened cannot compare to experiencing those places in person.
The fourth in our series: We are at a point in time where both our people and our planet face severe challenges, including 40 million people living in situations of modern slavery and people being displaced due to climate change. Can we SSNDs make our finances work for people and the planet?
Following a full day of speakers and Q&A sessions, our group of 24 sisters and colleagues walked through a drizzling cityscape to share a meal and discuss what we as individuals, and members of SSND ministries can do individually and collectively.
We are each on our own spiritual journey, but we have a shared spirit that goes beyond our faith. At an Associate gathering this year, Baltimore Associate Carla Hobson shared the following reflection.
On June 5, 2019, a ceremony was held to mark the completion of Phase II of the Independence Place project, which included the total renovation of the former convent and rectory at Blessed Sacrament Parish.
"Probably the most life-changing event for me was being involved in the New York Marathons over 34 years....In all, I ran 34 New York Marathons and two in Boston."
What if God is changing the way things work right in front of us, and we're not paying attention? What if we're missing the moment we're in and the opportunities of the current time because we are too fixed on the way things were in the past?
An adventurous group of students recently spent a week in the United Kingdom at Oxford University’s Pembroke College and immersed themselves in a “bespoke” course that was tailor-made for them.
The SSND Maryland Celebration event drew 300 people. Thanks to generous donors who sponsored tickets for the Sisters, more than 70 of them were able to attend. 
"Being at a loss for words to express what I wanted to say in this article, I again return to a piece by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés titled 'We Were Made for These Times.'" We need to believe what she suggests." Encouraging words for these times by Sister Jeanne Wingenter, SSND, Central Pacific Province, Shalom-JPIC.
Third in our series: Today, our ministries include recent newcomers from many countries to the United States and Canada.  At the same time, as shareholders, we are prompted to address the support given by many international corporations to the current U.S. immigration policies which are contradictory to our national tradition of welcoming immigrants.