Christmas Season 2024-2025

Several Chicago and Canadian SSNDs will share their Christmas memories and reflections here during this Christmas season. Enjoy!

Week Three

Following Your Star

By Sister Ethel Howley, SSND

Christmas on the Farm

As shared by Sister Harriet Schnurr, SSND, with Shilpa George, Waterdown LEAD Team

A Dutch-Style Christmas

As shared by Sister Louise Vanderploeg, SSND, with Shilpa George, Waterdown LEAD Team

Snapshot Canadian Christmas Memories

As shared by Sister Pat Carson, SSND, with Shilpa George, Waterdown LEAD Team

"The Christ Child is Born"

As shared by Sister Mary Guth, SSND, with Shilpa George, Waterdown LEAD Team

"Come Gather Dear Children"

As shared by Sister Gloria Seifried, SSND, with Shilpa George, Waterdown LEAD Team

Sharing the Christmas Wafer

As shared by Sister Joanne Baradziej, CSSF, with Shilpa George, Waterdown LEAD Team

Reminiscing From My New Chicago Home

By Sister Catherine (Kits) Sarther, SSND 

Week Two

Mystery of the German Christmas Eve Phone Call

By Sister Carolyn Jost, SSND

Tiddlywinks at Christmas?!

By Sister Jean Phelan, SSND

Sounds of Santa

By Sister Carol Brunner, SSND

The Dolls' Surprise on Christmas Eve

By Sister Shirley Stockus, SSND

Santa's Helpers at the Merchandise Mart

By Sister Maureen Clancy, SSND

The Year Santa Forgot My Watch

By Sister Marlene Panko, SSND

Week One

Gazing in Awe, Reverence, and Tenderness

by Sister Rosemary Howarth, SSND

Painting the Scene

by Sister Rose Cecile Espinos

(Not) Catching Santa Claus

by Sister Caritas Wehrman, SSND

"We Go as Family!"

by Sister Arlene Gibson, SSND

Becoming Santa

by Sister Miriam Patrick Cummings, SSND

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